We offer a variety of design options to meet everyone’s needs and budget.
Whether you’re looking for a generic plan without modifications or a fully customized design, our packages allow you to choose the solution that best suits your project.
Explore the available options in detail, their specific features, and any additional fees to plan your project with full transparency.
Choice #1
- Generic design without any modifications.
- Choice from Boréal’s library of generics in R30.
No charge
Choice #2
- No structural changes (wall height, roof pitch, building dimensions).
- Mirror changes allowed (reversed plan).
- Rearranging rooms without altering the staircase or mezzanine.
- Minor additions or removals of doors and windows.
- Electrical modifications permitted.
- Maximum of 2 changes allowed.
- Choice from Boréal’s R30 generic library.
Choice #3
- Structural modifications allowed on a model inspired by a generic design.
- Generic design with additions (porch, covered patio, side roof, extra Thermolog layer, annex, etc.).
- Major additions or removals of doors and windows.
- Maximum of 4 changes allowed.
Choice #4
- Fully personalized plan design.
- Maximum of 10 changes allowed.
Additional Fees
- Extra changes beyond the package limit – 250$ to 500$
- Rush project (less than 2 months) – 1 500$
- Technologist Seals (if required by municipality) – 1 000$
- Engineer Seals (if required by municipality or province) :
- Structural plans seal (Packages 1, 2, or 3) – 2 500$
- Structural plans seal (Packages 4) – Custom price depending on complexity
- EEDS form – 750$
- Schedule 1 form – 750$
- Foundation or floor plan seal – 1 000$
Additional fees may apply depending on specific requests and plan complexity.
Allow a minimum of 3-4 weeks for seal requests.
Design Your
Use our online platform to customize your project and receive a personalized estimate. Create your ideal home, then connect with one of our experts to bring your vision to life.